Wednesday 3 April 2013

Color Theory Part 1


Hue refers to Pure color, one without tint or shade.the property of light by which the color of an object is classified as red, blue, green, or yellow in reference to the spectrum.  


Value is the lightness or darkness of a color. For instance, navy is a dark value of blue. The more white you add to a color or hue, the lighter the value. When white is added to a color, it is called tint. The more black to add to a color, the darker the value. and by adding black to a color, it is referred as shade. If gray is added to a color, it is tone.


the intensity of a hue from gray tone (no saturation) to pure, vivid color (high saturation)

Secondary color

Secondary colors are made by mixing equal parts of primary colors. For instance, green is a secondary color made by mixing yellow and blue. Orange comes from mixing red and yellow. Violet results from mixing blue and red. These colors are less strong than primaries, but they are more pleasing when mixed with white to make a tint.

Tertiary Color

Tertiary colors are formed by mixing two secondary colors. For instance, combining green and orange make a wheat color, while orange and violet make brick. Tertiary colors are sophisticated and add wonderful variety to a color scheme.

Complementary Color 

A color directly opposite another on a color wheel and providing the greatest chromatic contrast to it.

Analogues Color

Colors that are related to each other are analogous. They are neighbors on the color wheel and share a common color.


A shade of a color, especially a pale or delicate variation. A gradation of a color made by adding white to it to lessen its saturation.


Shade is the blocking of sunlight by an object and also the shadow of the object.


Neutral usually means without color. Neutral colors such as beige, ivory, taupe, black, gray, and white appear to be without color, and yet in many applications these hues often have undertones of color.

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